My presentations and workshops

This is a list of presentations and workshops that Yakov Fain offers. If you’d like to invite Yakov to deliver these talks/workshops at your organization, please send an email at To get familiar with Yakov’s teaching style, watch his Youtube Java tutorial.


Modern JavaScript – 70 min

In this presentation, you’ll learn how to write code using the latest syntax of JavaScript. While most of the apps use the ES5 version of the language, majority of the modern web browsers fully support the ES6 specification. Some of them started supporting the ES7 and ES8 syntax. In this presentation you’ll learn how to use classes, fat arrow functions, destructuring, spread and rest operators, promises, async-await, and modules.

Mastering TypeScript – 90 min

In this presentation, you’ll learn how to write code in TypeScript, one of the most loved languages today.TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which allows you to be more productive in writing JavaScript applications. Per StackOverflow developers survey TypeScript is the 3rd place in the most loved languages and 5th in most wanted. The syntax of this language is pretty easy to pick up for anyone who’s familiar with such object-oriented languages as Java or C#. During this presentation, you’ll learn the syntax of TypeScript and will understand the benefits it brings to the table.

Angular Tooling – 90 min

Learning Angular is easier than AngularJS, and developing in TypeScript is more productive than in JavaScript. But you need to know your tools to create, bundle, and deploy your app.This presentation is not about the Angular syntax. We’ll discuss the development process with Angular starting from setting up the project to deploying an optimized application. Most part of this presentation is about using Angular CLI. We’ll start with generating a new project, and then discuss such subjects as configuring proxies, working with environment variables, automating builds with npm scripts, and more.

Communication with the server via HTTP and WebSocket protocols in Angular – 90 min

In this session, you’ll see how to create an Angular 4 app that can communicate with the servers via a pull (HTTP) and push (WebSocket) modes. We’ll program a simple Node server and then will go through a number of code samples that communicate with it using HTTP and WebSocket protocols. We’ll start with creating a simple NodeJS server, and then will enable it to handle HTTP requests from an Angular app. Then you’ll see how to wrap a service into an observable stream. Finally, we’ll teach our server to perform a data push to an Angular client using the WebSocket protocol.

Angular for Java developers – 90 min

Angular is a complete re-write of the super popular Web framework AngularJS. Angular is a component-based framework that will have an effect in JavaScript community similar to what Spring framework did for Java. This presentation is a high-level overview of Angular, which in combination with TypeScript, finally made Web development understandable for Java developers. At the end of the presentation, you’ll see how to deploy Angular app can communicate with the Spring Boot backend.

Make a facelift to your Angular app with UI libraries – 90 min

In this presentation, you’ll see how to create a nice looking UI with Angular Material 2 and PrimeNG components.Commercial applications need to be good looking, which means that you should pick up a rich library of UI components for your app. While Angular Material 2 library offers two dozen of great looking components, this may not be enough for your application needs. The good news is that there are other libraries that you can use. In this presentation, we’ll start with an overview of Angular Material 2 components. Then we’ll proceed with another open-source library called PrimeNG, which offers more than 70 UI components.

Implementing inter-component communication in Angular – 90 min

Angular is a component-based framework with a well-defined API for passing data to and getting data from a component. Any application is a tree of components that often need to communicate with each other. You’ll see how to create reusable application components that can exchange data with each other in a loosely-coupled manner. You’ll see how components can communicate via a common parent or via an injectable service. You’ll see how to pass data using the router, input and output parameters, events and callbacks. You’ll also learn how to use projection to pass HTML fragments to a component’s template. You’ll see how to pass parameters to routes. We’ll also touch upon the incorporation of the third-party JavaScript libraries into an Angular 4 app.

Working with the Angular router – 90 min

The Angular framework includes a powerful component router. In this session, you’ll see how to use the router that comes with Angular 4. We’ll start with configuring the navigation in a simple app. Then you’ll see how to pass data to routes, work child routes, and create apps with multiple router outlets (auxiliary routes). We’ll also review a unit-test configuration for testing the app router. Finally, you’ll see how to lazy load modules using the router.

Using Observable Streams in Angular – 90 min

Angular includes RxJS, which is a library of reactive extensions built on the premise that everything is an observable stream. Angular includes RxJS, which is a library of reactive extensions built on the premise that everything is an observable stream. Observables introduce the push model to your application. First, we’ll get familiar with the RxJS library, and then will continue reviewing observables in Angular.You’ll see how observables are used to handle events, forms, the router, and HTTP requests. We’ll talk about using subjects, implementing the mediator design pattern, and more.

RxJS essentials – 90 min

Libraries of reactive extensions exist in many programming languages. RxJS 5 is a popular library of reactive extensions for JavaScript. This library is used for transforming and composing streams of data. RxJS promotes the push model where the data flow through the algorithms of your application. RxJS is not a framework and can be used in any JavaScript app. Using RxJS allows writing certain portions of your app by composing functions where you see fit. You’ll learn how to create observable data streams, what are the roles of observers and subscribers, how to apply and compose operators to process the data emitted by observables, how to compose multiple data streams and more.

Reactive thinking with RxJava2 – 70 min

This presentation is about asynchronous programming in Java, where the streams of data are handled in a non-blocking fashion. We’ll talk about Reactive Streams and specifically about the RxJava2 library that may change the way you design Java applications. You’ll see how to consume streams of events, deal with backpressure, and apply a variety of operators offered by this library, which requires a different way of thinking about writing code.

JHipster: Bringing together Angular and Spring Boot – 70 min

JHipster is a popular open-source code generator that automates creation and configuration of a Web project that uses the Angular framework on the front and Java Spring Boot on the back. We’ll start with a simple example where an Angular app consumes the REST service from Spring Boot. Then we’ll proceed with an intro to JHipster followed by the generation of a new Angular/Spring Boot app from scratch. This will be a CRUD app of the following architecture: a gateway (the front end), a microservice (the back end), and a service discovery server.

Hands-on workshops

Developing Web apps with Angular and TypeScript – 3 days

Participants of this workshop will gain practical skills while exploring the best practices and principles of developing Angular applications and get familiar with multiple sample applications illustrating solutions for real-world challenges. During this course, we’ll cover all the latest APIs (routing, dependency injection, forms). At the end of each day, the participants will spend an hour working on the front end of a sample application “Online Auction”.

Angular Material 2 Applied – 1 day

This hands-on workshop is for developers who are already familiar with Angular. Under the instructor’s guidance, participants will work on the front end of the online store application, which uses Angular and the library of UI components Angular Material 2. By the end of the day, each participant will develop an online store with a shopping cart the will look and work like this one. This workshop assumes participants are already familiar with Angular. This workshop is NOT an Angular intro.



Yakov Fain works as a Solutions Architect at Farata Systems that offers consulting and training services in developing of the Web Apps with Angular and Java. A Java Champion, he has taught multiple classes and workshops on the web and Java-related technologies, presented at international conferences, and published more than a thousand blog posts (see Yakov authored and co-authored a number of technical books on programming including the Amazon bestseller “Angular 2 Development with TypeScript”. He leads Princeton Java Users Group.

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