Abstract classes in TypeScript

This blog is a part of my TypeScript series, and the previous ones are:

1. Why program in TypeScript
2. Structural vs nominal typing
3. Getting started with TypeScript classes
4. Access modifiers public, private, and protected

My video lessons on TypeScript are here.

If you add the abstract keyword to the class declaration, it can’t be instantiated. An abstract class may include methods that are implemented as well as the abstract ones that are only declared.

And why would you even want to create a class that can’t be instantiated? The reason is that you may want to include some non-implemented methods in a class, but you want to make sure that these methods will be implemented in its subclasses. This concept is easier to grasp while working on a specific task, so let’s consider a coding assignment and see how abstract classes can be used there.

An assignment with abstract classes

A company has employees and contractors. Design the classes to represent workers of this company. Any worker’s object should support the following methods:

constructor(name: string)

changeAddress(newAddress: string)


promote(percent: number)

increasePay(percent: number)

In our scenario, to promote means giving one day off and raising the salary by the specified percent. The method increasePay() should raise the yearly salary for employees but increase the hourly rate for contractors. How do you implement methods is irrelevant; a method can just have one console.log() statement.

Let’s work on this assignment. We’ll need to create the classes Employee and Contractor, which should have some common functionality. For example, changing the address and giving a day off should work the same way for contractors and employees, but increasing pay requires different implementation for these categories of workers.

Here’s the plan: we’ll create the abstract class Person with two descendants: Employee and Contractor. The class Person will implement methods changeAddress(), giveDayOff(), and promote(). This class will also include a declaration of the abstract method increasePay(), which will be implemented (differently!) in the subclasses of Person shown next.

abstract class Person {  // 1

constructor(public name: string) { };

changeAddress(newAddress: string ) {  // 2
   console.log(`Changing address to ${newAddress}`);

giveDayOff() {  // 2
console.log(`Giving a day off to ${this.name}`);

promote(percent: number) {  // 2
   this.increasePay(percent);  // 3

abstract increasePay(percent: number);  // 4


1. Declaring an abstract class
2. Declaring and implementing a method
3. “Invoking” the abstract method
4. Declaring an abstract method

If you don’t want to allow invoking the method giveDayOff() from external scripts, add private to its declaration. If you want to allow invoking giveDayOff() only from the class Person and its descendants, male this method protected.

Note that you are allowed to write a statement that “invokes” the abstract method. Since the class is abstract, it can’t be instantiated, and there is no way that the abstract (unimplemented method) will be actually invoked. If you want to create a descendant of the abstract class that can be instantiated, you must implement all abstract methods of the ancestor. The code in the next listing shows how we implemented the classes Employee and Constructor.

class Employee extends Person {

  increasePay(percent: number) {
    console.log(`Increasing the salary of ${this.name} by ${percent}%`);  // 1

class Contractor extends Person {
  increasePay(percent: number) {
    console.log(`Increasing the hourly rate of ${this.name} by ${percent}%`);  // 2

1. Implementing the method increasePay() for employees
2. Implementing the method increasePay() for contractors

The next listing shows how can we see our solution in action. We’ll create an array of workers with one employee and one contractor and then iterate through this array invoking the method promote() on each object.

const workers: Person[] = [];  // 1

workers[0] = new Employee('John');
workers[1] = new Contractor('Mary');

workers.forEach(worker => worker.promote(5));  // 2

1. Declaring an array of the superclass type
2. Invoking promote() on each object

The workers array is of type Person, which allows us to store there the instances of descendant objects as well.

Since the descendants of Person don’t declare their own constructors, the constructor of the ancestor will be invoked automatically when we instantiate Employee and Contractor. If any of the descendants declared its own constructor, we’d have to use super() to ensure that the constructor of the Person is invoked.

You can run this code sample in the TypeScript playground, and the browser console will show the following output:

Giving a day off to John
Increasing the salary of John by 5%
Giving a day off to Mary
Increasing the hourly rate of Mary by 5%

The previous code fragment gives an impression that we iterate through the objects of type Person invoking Person.promote(). But realistically, some of the objects can be of type Employee while others are instances of Contractor. The actual type of the object is evaluated only during runtime, which explains why the correct implementation of the increasePay() is invoked on each object. This is an example of polymorphism – a feature that each object-oriented language supports.

Protected constructors

In the previous blog, we declared a private constructor to create a singleton. There’s some use for protected constructors as well. Say you need to declare a class that can’t be instantiated, but its subclasses can. Then, you could declare a protected constructor in the superclass and invoke it using the method super() from the subclass constructor.

This mimics one of the features of abstract classes. But a class with protected constructor wouldn’t let you declare abstract methods unless the class itself is declared as abstract.

TypeScript access modifiers public, private, protected

This blog is a part of my TypeScript series, and the previous ones are:

1. Why program in TypeScript
2. Structural vs nominal typing
3. Getting started with TypeScript classes

TypeScript includes the keywords public, protected, and private to control access to the members of a class i.e. properties or methods.

Class members marked public can be accessed from the internal class methods as well as from the external scripts. This is a default access.

Class members marked as protected can be accessed either from the internal class methods or from its descendants.

The private class members can be accessed from within the class only.

NOTE: If you know languages like Java or C#, you may already know the concept of restricting the access level with private and protected keywords. But TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which doesn’t support the private keyword, so the keywords private and protected (as well as public) are removed during the code compilation. The resulting JavaScript won’t include these keywords and you can consider them just as a convenience during development.

The next screenshot illustrates the protected and private access level modifiers. In line 15, the code can access the protected ancestor’s method sayHello(), because its done from the descendant. But when we clicked Ctrl-Space after this. In line 21, the variable age is not shown in the auto–complete list because it’s declared as private and can be accessed only within the class Person.

This code sample shows that the subclass can’t access the private member of the superclass. In general, only a method from the class Person can access private members from this class.

To try this code on your own, visit the TypeScript playground here.

While protected class members are accessible from the descendant’s code, they are not accessible on the class instance. For example, the following code won’t compile and will give you the error “Property ‘sayHello’ is protected and only accessible within class ‘Person’ and its subclasses”:

const empl = new Employee(); +
empl.sayHello(); // error

DISCLAMER: IMO, the protected access level is useless in any programming language. I explained why they are useless in Java back in 2006. Then I continued my witch hunt against seemengly protected creatures in the Adobe Flex framework. As I’m getting older, my motivation to fight protected variables is not as strong as it used to be. Live and let live.

Let’s look at another example of the class Person, which has a constructor, two public and one private property. First, we’ll write a long version of the class declaration.

class Person {
    public firstName: string;
    public lastName: string;
    private age: number;

    constructor(firstName:string, lastName: string, age: number) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.age = age;

The constructor in the class Person performs a tedious job of assigning the values from its argument to the respective members of this class. By using access qualifiers with the constructor’s arguments, you instruct the TypeScript compiler to create class properties having the same names as constructor’s arguments. The compiler will auto-generate the JavaScript code to assign the values given to the constructor to class properties. This will make the code of the TypeScript class more concise as shown in the next screenshot.

TIP: If you’d use just the readonly qualifier with constructor arguments, TypeScript compiler would also create read-only class variables for them.

In line 8, I create an instance of the class Person passing the initial property values to its constructor, which will assign these values to the respective object’s properties. In line 10, I wanted to print the values of the object’s properties firstName and age, but the latter is marked with a red squiggly line. If you hover the mouse over the erroneous fragment, you’ll see that the TypeScript’s static analyzer (it runs even before the compiler) properly reports an error:

Property age is private and only accessible within class Person.

In the TypeScript playground, the JavaScript code is generated anyway because from the JavaScript perspective, the code in line 10 is perfectly fine. But in your projects, you should always use the compiler’s option noEmitOnError to prevent the generation of JavaScript until all TypeScript syntax errors are fixed.

Implementing a singleton with a private constructor

Imagine, you need to create a single place that serves as a storage of important data in memory representing the current state of the app. Various scripts can have an access to this storage but you want to make sure that only one such object can be created for the entire app, also known as a single source of truth.

Singleton is a popular design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to only one object. How do you create a class that you can instantiate only once? It’s a rather trivial task in any object-oriented language that supports the private access qualifier.

Basically, you need to write a class that won’t allow using the new keyword, because with the new, you can create as many instances as you want. The idea is simple – if a class has a private constructor, the operator new will fail.

Then, how to create even a single instance of the class? The thing is that if the class constructor is private, you can access if only within the class, and as the author of this class, you’ll responsibly create it only once by invoking that same new operator from the class method.

But can you invoke a method on a class that was not instantiated? Of course, you can! JavaScript (as well as its big brother TypeScript) support static class members, which are shared between multiple instances of the class.

The next listing shows our implementation of the singleton design pattern in a class AppState, which has the property counter. Let’s assume that the counter represents our app state, which may be updated from multiple scripts in the app.

Any of such scripts must update the only place that stores the value of the counter, which is the singleton instance of AppState. Any script that needs to know the latest value of the counter will also get it from the AppState instance.

The class AppState has a private constructor, which means that no other script can instantiate it using the statement new. It’s perfectly fine to invoke such a constructor from within the AppState class, and we do this in the static method getInstance().

The method getInstance() is static, and this is the only way we can invoke a method in the absence of the class instance.

class AppState {

    counter = 0;  
    private static instanceRef: AppState;

    private constructor() { }

    static getInstance(): AppState {
        if (AppState.instanceRef === undefined) {
            AppState.instanceRef = new AppState();

        return AppState.instanceRef; 

// const appState = new AppState(); // error because of the private constructor

const appState1 = AppState.getInstance(); 

const appState2 = AppState.getInstance();


console.log(appState1.counter); // prints 4 
console.log(appState2.counter); // prints 4

Both console.log() invocations will print 4 as there is only one instance of AppState.

To see this code sample in CodePen, visit this page.

Getting started with TypeScript classes

This blog is a part of my TypeScript series, and the previous ones are:

1. Why program in TypeScript
2. Structural vs nominal typing

In the next several blogs, I’ll focus on object-oriented features of Typescript – classes and interfaces. Let’s start with classes.

First of all, let me remind you that starting from the ECMAScript 2015 spec (a.k.a. ES6), JavaScript supports classes. Being a superset of JavaScript, TypeScript supports all features from JavaScript classes and adds some extras.

For example, JavaScript doesn’t offer syntax for declaring class properties, but TypeScript does. In the screenshot below on the left, you can see how I declared and instantiated the class Person that has three properties. The right side shows the ES6 version of this code produced by the TypeScript compiler:

As you see, there are no properties in the JavaScript version of the class Person. Also, since the class Person didn’t declare a constructor, we had to initialize its properties after instantiating. A constructor is a special function that’s executed only once when the instance of a class is created.

Declaring a constructor with three arguments would allow you to instantiate the class Person and initialize its properties in one line. In TypeScript, you can provide type annotation for constructor’s arguments, but there’s more.

TypeScript offers access level qualifiers public, private, and protected (I’ll cover these in the future blog), and if you use any of them with the constructor arguments, the TypeScript will generate the code for adding these properties in a JavaScript object as in the following screenshot:

Now the code of the TypeScript class (on the left) is more concise and the generated JavaScript code creates three properties in the constructor. We’d like to bring your attention to line 6 in the above screenshot on the left. We declared the constant without specifying its type, but we could have re-written this line explicitly specifying the type of p as follows:

const p: Person = new Person("John", "Smith", 25);

This illustrates an unnecessary use of an explicit type annotation. Since you declare a constant and immediately initialize it with an object of a known type (i.e. Person), the TypeScript type checker can easily infer and assign the type to the constant p. The generated JavaScript code will look the same with or without specifying the type of p. You can try it in the TypeScript playground by following this link.

Regardless if a class has a constructor or it doesn’t, classes allow you to declare custom types that didn’t exist in TypeScript before.

NOTE: We use the public access level with each constructor argument in the TypeScript class, which simply means that the generated corresponding properties can be accessed from any code located both inside and outside of the class.

When you declare the properties of a class, you can also mark them as readonly. Such properties can be initialized either at the declaration point or in the class constructor, and their values can’t be changed afterwards. The readonly qualifier is similar to the const keyword, but the latter can’t be used with class properties.

Getting familiar with class inheritance

In real life, every person inherits some features from his or her parents. Similarly, in the TypeScript world, you can create a new class, based on the existing one. For example, you can create a class Person with some properties and then the class Employee that will _inherit_ all the properties of Person and declare some additional ones.

Inheritance is one of the main features of any object-oriented language. TypeScript has the keyword extends to declare that one class is inherited from the other.

The line 7 in the following screenshot shows how to declare an Employee class that extends the class Person and declares an additional property department. In line 11, we create an instance of the class Employee.

This screenshot was taken from the playground at typscriptlang.org after we entered empl. followed by CTRL-Space on line 13. The TypeScript’s static analyzer recognizes that the type Employee is inherited from Person so it suggests the properties defined in both classes Person and Employee.

In our example, the class Employee is a subclass of Person. Accordingly, the class Person is a superclass of Employee. You can also say that the class Person is an ancestor and Employee is a descendant of Person.

NOTE: Under the hood, JavaScript supports prototypal _object-based_ inheritance, where one object can assign another object as its prototype, and this happens during the runtime. During transpiling to JavaScript, the generated code uses the syntax of the prototypal inheritance as seen in the above screenshot on the right.

In addition to properties, a class can include _methods_ – this is how we call functions declared inside the classes. And if a method(s) is declared in a superclass, it will be inherited by the subclass unless the method was declared with the access qualified private which we’ll discuss a bit later.

The next version of the class Person is shown in the screenshot below, and it includes the method sayHello(). As you can see in line 17, TypeScript included this method in its typeahead help.

You may be wondering, “Is there any way to control which properties and methods of a superclass are accessible from the subclass?”
Actually, a more general question would be “Is there any way to control which properties and methods of a class are accessible from other scripts?” The answer is yes – this is what the private, protected, and public keywords are for, and I’ll cover them in the next blog. Stay tuned…

Why program in TypeScript

A little bit of a JavaScript history

In May of 1995, after 10 days of hard work, Brendan Eich wrote the JavaScript programming language. This scripting language didn’t need a compiler and was meant to be used in the web browser Netscape Navigator. No compilers were needed for deploying a program written in JavaScript in the browser. Adding a tag with the JavaScript sources (or a reference to the file with sources) would instruct the browser to load and parse the code and execute it in the browser’s JavaScript engine. People enjoyed the simplicity of the language – no need to declare types of variables, no need to use any tools – just write your code in a plain text editor and use it in a web page.

JavaScript is a dynamic language, which would give additional freedom for software developers. No need to declare properties of an object as the JavaScript engine would create the property during the runtime if the object didn’t already have it.

Actually, there’s no way to declare the type of a variable. The JavaScript engine will guess the type based on the assigned value (e.g. var x = 123 would mean that x is a number). If later on, the script would have an assignment x = 678, the type of x would automatically change from a number to string.

Did you really want to change the type of x or it’s a mistake? You’ll know it only during the runtime as there is no compiler to warn you about it.

JavaScript is a very forgiving language, which is not a shortcoming if the codebase is small and you’re the only person working on this project. Most likely, you remember that x supposed to be a number, and you don’t need any help with this. And of course, you’ll work your current employer forever so the variable x is never forgotten.

Over the years, JavaScript became super popular and de facto standard programming language of the web. But if 20 years ago we’d use JavaScript just to display web pages with some content and make these pages interactive, today we develop complex web apps that contain thousands of lines of code developed by teams of developers. And you know what? Not everyone in your team remembers that x supposed to be a number.

To be more productive, software developers could help from the tooling like IDE with auto-complete features, easy refactoring et al. But how an IDE can help you with refactoring if the language allows complete freedom in adding properties to objects and changing types on the fly?

Everyone realized that replacing JavaScript in all different browsers with another language is not realistic, so new languages were created. They were more tooling-friendly during development, but the program would still have to be converted to JavaScript before deployment so every browser would support them. TypeScript is one of such languages, and let’s see what makes it stand out.

Why program in TypeScript

TypeScript is a compile-to-JavaScript language, which was released by Microsoft as an open source project in 2012. A program written in TypeScript has to be transpiled into JavaScript first, and then it can be executed in the browser or a standalone JavaScript engine.

The difference between transpiling and compiling is that the latter turns the source code of a program into bytecode or machine code, whereas the former converts the program from one language to another, e.g. from TypeScript to JavaScript. But in TypeScript community, the word compile is more popular, and I’ll use it to describe the process of conversion of the TypeScript code into JavaScript.

You may wonder, why go through a hassle of writing a program in TypeScript and then compiling it into JavaScript, if you could write this program in JavaScript in the first place? To answer this question, let’s look at the TypeScript from a very high-level perspective.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, and you can take any JavaScript file, e.g. myProgram.js, change its name extension from .js to .ts, and most likely, the file myProgram.ts becomes a valid TypeScript program. I say most likely, because your JavaScript code may have hidden type-related bugs, you may dynamically change the types of object properties or add new ones after the object was declared and some other things that can be revealed only after your JavaScript code is compiled.
In general, the word superset means that it contains everything that the set has plus something else. The main addition to the “JavaScript set” is that TypeScript also supports static typing whereas JavaScript supports only dynamic typing. Here, the word typing refers to assigning types to program variables.

In programming languages with static typing, a type must be assigned to a variable before you can use it. In TypeScript, you can declare a variable of a certain type, and any attempt to assign to it a value of a different type results in a compilation error. This is not the case in JavaScript, which doesn’t know about the types of your program variables until the runtime. Even in the running program, you can change the type of a variable just by assigning to it a value of different type.

For example, if you declare a variable as a string, trying to assign a numeric value to it will result in the compile-time error.

let customerId: string
customerId = 123; // compile-time error

JavaScript decides on the variable type during the runtime, and the type can be dynamically changed as in the following example:

let customerId = "A15BN"; // OK, customerId is a string
customerId = 123; // OK, from now on it's a number

Now let’s consider a JavaScript function that applies a discount to a price. It has two arguments and both must be numbers.

function getFinalPrice(price, discount) {
   return price - price / discount;

How do you know that the arguments must be numbers? First of all, you authored this function some time ago and having an exceptional memory, you may just remember all types of all functions arguments. Secondly, you used descriptive names of the arguments that hint their types. Thirdly, you could guess the types by reading the function code.

This is a pretty simple function, but let’s say someone (not you) would invoke this function by providing a discount as a string, this function would print NaN during runtime.

console.log(getFinalPrice( 100, "10%")); // prints NaN

This is an example of a runtime error caused by the wrong use of a function. In TypeScript, you could provide the types for the function arguments, and such a runtime error would never happen. If someone would try to invoke the function with a wrong type of an argument, this error would be caught as you were typing. Let’s see it in action.

The official TypeScript web page is located at http://www.typescriptlang.org. It offers the language documentation and a playground, where you could enter the code snippets in TypeScript, which would be immediately compiled into JavaScript.

Follow this link, and you’ll see our code snippet in the TypeScript playground, with the squiggly red line under the “10%”. If you hover the mouse over the erroneous code, you’ll see a prompt explaining the error as shown in the screenshot below.

This error is caught by the TypeScript static code analyzer as you type even before you compile this code with tsc. Moreover, if you specify the variable types, your editor or IDE would offer the auto-complete feature suggesting you the argument names and types of the getFinalPrice() function.

Isn’t it nice that errors are caught before runtime? We think so. The vast majority of the developers with the background in such languages as Java, C++, C# take it for granted that the errors are caught during compile time, and this is one of the main reasons why they like TypeScript.

NOTE: There are two types of programming errors – those that are immediately reported by the tools as you type, and those that are reported by the users of your program. Programming in TypeScript substantially decreases the number of the latter.

Still, some of the hard-core JavaScript developers say that TypeScript slows them down by requiring to declare types, and in JavaScript, they’d be more productive. But the majority of the web developers are not JavaScript ninjas and can appreciate a helping hand offered by TypeScript.

There are more than a hundred programming languages that are compiled to JavaScript, but what makes TypeScript stand out is that its creators follow the ECMAScript standards and implement the upcoming JavaScript features a lot faster than Web browsers vendors.

You can find the current proposals of the new ECMAScript features here. A proposal has to go through several stages to be included in the final version of the next ECMAScript spec. If a proposal makes it to Stage 3, most likely it’s included in the latest version of TypeScript.

In the Summer of 2017, the async and await keywords were included into the ECMAScript specification ES2017, a.k.a. ES8. It took more than a year for major browsers to start supporting these keywords. But TypeScript supported them since November of 2015. This means that TypeScript developers could start using these keywords about three years earlier than those who waited for the browsers’ support.

And the best part is that you can use the future JavaScript syntax in today’s TypeScript code and compile it down to the older JavaScript syntax (e.g. ES5) supported by all browsers!

Having said that, we’d like to make a clear distinction between the syntax described in the latest ECMAScript specifications, and the syntax that’s unique to TypeScript. That’s why we recommend you to read the Appendix A first, so you know where ECMAScript ends and TypeScript begins.

Although JavaScript engines do a decent job of guessing the types of variables by their values, development tools have a limited ability to help you without knowing the types. In mid- and large-size applications, this JavaScript shortcoming lowers the productivity of software developers.

The generated JavaScript code is easy to read, and it looks like hand-written code.

TypeScript follows the latest specifications of ECMAScript and adds types, interfaces, decorators, class member variables (fields), generics, enums, the keywords public, protected, and private and more. Check the TypeScript roadmap to see what’s available and what’s coming in the future releases of TypeScript.

Five facts about TypeScript
1. The core developer of TypeScript is Andres Hejlsberg, who also designed Turbo Pascal and Delphi, and is the lead architect of C# at Microsoft.

2. At the end of 2014, Google approached Microsoft asking if they could introduce decorators in TypeScript so this language could be used for developing of the Angular 2 framework. Microsoft agreed, and this gave a tremendous boost to the TypeScript popularity given the fact that hundreds of thousands of developers use Angular.

3. As of September of 2018, the TypeScript compiler had more than three million downloads per week from npmjs.org, and this is not the only TypeScript repository. In April of 2019, it was about 6 million per week. For current statistics, visit this page.

4. As per Redmonk, a respectful software analytics firm, TypeScript came 12th in the programming language rankings chart in January of 2019.

5. According to the StackOverflow Survey 2019, TypeScript is the third (tied for 2nd) most loved language.

And one more thing. Some JavaScript developers are still in denial and say, “If I’ll be programming in TypeScript, I’ll need to introduce an extra step between writing code and seeing it running – the compilation.” When I hear such an argument, I want to ask, “Do you really want to stick to the ES5 version of JavaScript ignoring all the latest syntax introduced by ES6, 7, 8, and 9? If not, then you’ll have the compilation step in your workflow anyway – compile a newer JavaScript into the ES5 syntax.”

To continue getting familiar with TypeScript, read about the structural type system here.

Learning TypeScript: Structural vs nominal typing systems

After completing the second edition of the book “Angular Development with TypeScript“, my colleague Anton Moiseev and I started working on yet another book for Manning. This one will be called “TypeScript Quickly” and its tentative Table of Contents is available here.

This book will cover the main syntax elements of the TypeScript language, and to make the book more interesting, we’ll also develop a blockchain app.
Meanwhile, I’ll start a series of blogs on the TypeScript-related topics. This one is about TypeScript’s structural type system.

A primitive type has just a name (e.g. number) while a more complex type like an object or class has a name and some structure represented by properties (e.g. a class Customer has properties name and address).

How would you know if two types are the same or not? In some languages (e.g. Java) two types are the same if they have the same names, which represents a nominal type system. In Java, the last wouldn’t compile because the names of the classes are not the same even though they have the same structure:

class Person {
	String name;

class Customer {
	String name;

Customer cust = new Person();  // compiler's error

But TypeScript and some other languages use the structural type system. In the following code snippet I re-wrote the above code snippet in TypeScript:

class Person {
	name: string;

class Customer {
	name: string;

const cust: Customer = new Person(); // no errors  

This code doesn’t report any errors because TypeScript uses structural type systems, and since both classes Person and Customer have the same structure, it’s OK to assign an instance of one class to a variable of another.

Moreover, you can use object literals to create objects and assign them to class-typed variables or constants as long as the shape of the object literal is the same. The following code snippet will compile without errors:

class Person {
	name: string;

class Customer {
	name: string;

const cust: Customer = { name: 'Mary' };   
const pers: Person = { name: 'John' };

Our classes didn’t define any methods, but if both of them would define a method(s) that has the same signature (name, arguments, and the return type) they would also be compatible.

What if the structure of Person and Customer are not exactly the same? Let’s add a property age to the class Person as is the following listing:

class Person {
    name: string;
    age: number;    // 1

class Customer {
	name: string;

const cust: Customer = new Person(); // still no errors  

1 We’ve added this property

Still no errors! TypeScript sees that Person and Customer have the same shape. We want to use the constant of type Customer (it has the property name) to point at the object of type Person (it also has the property name).

Follows the link https://bit.ly/2MbHvpH and you’ll see this code in TypeScript playground (a REPL to try code snippets in TypeScript and compile them into JavaScript). Click Ctrl-Space after the dot in cust. and you’ll see that only the name property is available even though the class Person has also the property age.

Homework: Can the class Customer have more properties than Person?
In the previous code snippet, the class Person had more properties than Customer and the code compiled without errors. What if the class Customer has more properties than Person? Would the following code compile? Explain your answer.

class Person {
    name: string;

class Customer {
    name: string;
    age: number;

const cust: Customer = new Person();

As they say, “If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck”. That’s why structural typing is also known as duck typing. If an object can be used for a particular purpose, use it. Yes, it’s not a duck, but at least it walks like a duck, which is all that matters in this context.

How I migrated a dozen of projects to Angular 6 and then 7

In this article, I’ll share with you my experience of upgrading more than a dozen of Anguar 5 projects to Angular 6. These projects were small to medium in size, but they used lots of various Angular features because these are the projects from the second edition of our Angular book. Many of these projects had multiple apps configured in the file .angular-cli.json, and they were automatically migrated into the new project structure as defined in the new configuration file angular.json.

First of all, there’s the site https://update.angular.io that gives you an idea of how to do the upgrade from version X to version Y, and you certainly need to read the instructions there first. But the devil is in the detail, right?

Theoretically, the upgrade should be a 1-2-3 process that consists of the following three steps:

1. npm install @angular/cli@latest –save-dev
Run this command in your project’s dir, to upgrade (and install) the latest Angular CLI version in the devDependencies section of package.json. This command shouldn’t need @latest, but it does.

2. ng update @angular/cli
Run this command to convert the project configuration file .angular-cli.json into angular.json introduced by Angular 6.It also will update testing and tslint config files.

3. ng update @angular/core
Run this command to upgrade all Angular dependencies in the package.json file (except Angular Material and Angular Flex Layout, if used).

What else is needed

On my computer, I had Angular CLI 6 install globally, and my typical project had the line “typescript”: “~2.4.2” in devDependency section of package.json.

Before running and upgrade steps, bump up the TypeScript compiler version in your project or you’ll get an error “@angular/compiler-cli” has an incompatible peer dependency to “typescript” during the step 3. Start any project upgrade with manually changing this dependency to “typescript”: “~2.7.2”. If you still see that error, delete the node_module directory and re-run step 3.

If you use the Angular Material library, run ng update @angular/material to update its dependencies in package.json.

If you use the Flex Layout library, modify its version to 6.0.0-beta15 or later prior to running ng update @angular/core.

Your project’s .angular-cli.json might include the file favicon.ico in the asset’s property that’s not used in your app. Angular 5 would still launch your app even if this file was missing. In Angular 6, you need to explicitly remove all occurrences of favicon.ico in the newly generated angular.json.

After migration, I noticed some strange behavior in the UI rendering, which seems like a bug. In some of my apps, I had the following HTML in the component templates:

<a [routerLink]="['/']">Home</a> 
<a [routerLink]="['/product']">Product</a> 

In Angular 5, it rendered just fine, but after migration to Angular 6, the browser rendered both links without the space between them: HomeProduct. Adding &nbsp; after the first anchor tag helped. I thought it might be related to the Angular compiler’s option preserveWhitespaces, but it didn’t.

Starting from TypeScript 2.7, you may need to take care of the error TS2564: Property ‘SoAndSo’ has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor. For example, the following class variable declaration won’t compile:

product: Product[];

Either set the TypeScript compiler’s option strictPropertyInitialization to false or explicitly initialize class variables, e.g.

product: Product[] = [];

Upgrading your app to RxJS 6

During the upgrade, I spent the most time updating the code related to breaking changes in RxJS 6.

Your updated package.json will include the dependency “rxjs-compat”: “^6.0.0-rc.0” after step 3. At the time of this writing, the current version of rxjs-compat is 6.1.0, so if you decide to keep rxjs-compat, update its version in package.json and reinstall dependencies. Theoretically, having the rxjs-compat package should allow you to run your app without making any changes in the app code that uses RxJS API. In practice, this may not be the case and the app may fail either during the build- or runtime.

So I decided to remove the rxjs-compat dependency and modify my code to conform to RxJS 6 structure. Remove rxjs-compat from your package.json file to avoid unnecessary increase of your app bundle size. Then run ng serve and fix the RxJS errors (if any) one by one. Then load your app in the browser and keep the browser console wide open so you won’t miss the RxJS-related runtime errors, if any.

The internal structure of RxJS 6 has changed, and you need to change the import statements to get the classes and operators from the proper places. You may start with reading this upgrade guide. Disclaimer: I didn’t follow my own advice and started learning by doing.

In the past, the golden rule was “Don’t import Observable from rxjs, import it from rxjs/observable otherwise the entire RxJS library will be included in your app bundle”. No more. The new golden rule is import { Observable } from “rxjs”; The same applies to Subject, Subscription, interval(), of(), and many other RxJS thingies.

You need to stop using the dot-chainable operators (they simply won’t work without rxjs-compat package). Now you have to use the RxJS pipeable operators, and your imports should look like this:
import { debounceTime, map } from ‘rxjs/operators’;

The ng update command added the rxjs-compat package to your project, and if you’re lucky, your app might run as before without changing the code. But some of my apps gave me build errors, while others crashed at runtime.

For example, in one of my apps, I had this:

import { Observable } from "rxjs";
const myObservable$ = Observable.fromEvent(...)

Got the TypeScript error “error TS2339: Property ‘fromEvent’ does not exist on type ‘typeof Observable’.” Here’s the fix:

import { fromEvent } from "rxjs";
const myObservable$ = fromEvent(...)

In another app, I had this:

import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
return Observable.empty();

It also gave me the error TS2339. This time the fix included replacing the deprecated function empty() with the constant EMPTY:

import {EMPTY} from 'rxjs';
return EMPTY;

Another app had this:

numbers$ = Observable.interval(1000)...

This code sneaked through the build phase, but crashed my app during runtime. Here’s the fix:

import {interval} from "rxjs";
numbers$ = interval(1000)...

Don’t bet too heavily on rxjs-compat. This package may help you to quickly get your app running in Angular 6, but until you remove rxjs-compat from your project, don’t report to your boss that migration is done. Find the time and fix the code in your Angular 5 app to conform to RxJS 6. After this is done, migrate your app to Angular 6.

The next one is for those two people who also use RxJS WebSocketSubject. The API has changed in RxJS 6. In the past, you’d do this:

import { WebSocketSubject } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/WebSocketSubject';
let myWebSocket = WebSocketSubject.create(wsUrl);

To make it work in RxJS 6, I’ve changed it to the following:

import { WebSocketSubject } from 'rxjs/websocket';
let myWebSocket = new WebSocketSubject(wsUrl);

And one more thing. If you use Angular Material library, you may run into some breaking changes in the UI components. But overall, conversion of a project to Angular 6 is not a time-consuming process.

P.S. If you use NGRX, don’t forget to upgrade all ngrx packages to version 6 (at the time of this writing, it’s 6.0.0-beta.3).

Update. Yesterday, I’ve upgraded all these projects to Angular 7. In each project I ran just one command that updated dependencies in package.json:

ng update –all

This was easy.

Starting a new book on TypeScript

It’s Saturday morning and it’s raining in New York City. There is not much you can do. Why not start writing a new book? The agreement with the publisher is signed, and my colleague Anton Moiseev kindly agreed to be my co-author again. The book will have a title TypeScript Quickly, and its first chapters have to be released in October 2018.

In this blog, I’ll show you the first two pages that I just wrote as well as a table of contents (subject to change). Besides introducing the code samples illustrating the syntax of the language, we’ll be developing a blockchain app using TypeScript in different environments: in Node.js, in the browser without frameworks, with Angular, with React… Meanwhile, the first two pages are ready.

Unit 1. Getting started with TypeScript

This unit starts by presenting the benefits of programming in TypeScript over JavaScript. Then we’ll install the TypeScript compiler and the IDE, and you’ll learn about the process of transforming a TypeScript program into its JavaScript equivalent that can be run in any JavaScript engine. After that, you’ll see how various TypeScript types can be used in a program. In the hands-on section, we’ll introduce you to the blockchain project and will develop a library that will be used in subsequent units.

We’d like to make a clear distinction between the syntax introduced in ECMAScript specification, and the syntax that’s unique to TypeScript. That’s why we recommend you to read the Appendix A first, so you know where ECMAScript ends and TypeScript begins.

Why program in TypeScript

TypeScript is a compile-to-JavaScript language. It’s also a superset JavaScript, which means that you can take any JavaScript file, e.g. myProgram.js, change its name extension from .js to .ts, and the file myProgram.ts becomes a valid TypeScript program without changing a single line of code.

The word superset means that it contains something additional compared to the set. The main addition to the JavaScript is static types. You can declare a variable of a certain type, and any attempt to assign a value of a different type to it results in a compilation error. This is not the case in JavaScript, where you can change the type of a variable anytime you want during runtime.

But web browsers don’t support TypeScript and this won’t change in the foreseeable future. The program written in TypeScript has to be transpiled into JavaScript first, and then it can be executed in the browser or a standalone JavaScript engine.

The difference between transpiling and compiling is that the latter turns the source code of a program into a bytecode or machine code, whereas the former converts the program from one language to another, e.g. from TypeScript to JavaScript.

Then why go through a hassle of writing a program in TypeScript and then transpiling it into JavaScript, if you could write this program in JavaScript in the first place?

In essence, TypeScript is JavaScript with static types. For example, if you declare a variable as a string, trying to assign a numeric value to it will result in the compile-time error.

let customerId: string
customerId = 123;  // compile-time error

In JavaSript, you can’t explicitly assign the type to a variable, and you could write

let customerId = "A15BN";
customerId = 123;  // no errors 

Let’s write a JavaScript function that applies the provided discount to a price. It has two arguments and both must be numbers.

function getFinalPrice(price, discount) {
  return price - price/discount;

How do you know that the arguments must be numbers? First of all, you wrote this function and having an exceptional memory, you may just remember all types of all functions arguments. Secondly, you use descriptive names of the arguments that hint their types. Thirdly, you could guess the types by reading the function code.

This is a pretty simple function, which is not always the case. But let’s say someone (not you) would invoke this function by providing a discount as a string, this function would print NaN during the runtime.

console.log(getFinalPrice( 100, 10));    // prints 90
console.log(getFinalPrice( 100, "10%")); // prints NaN

In TypeScript, you could provide the types for the function arguments, so if someone would try to invoke the function with a wrong type of an argument, this error would be caught as you were typing. Let’s see it in action.

The official TypeScript web page is located here. It offers the language documentation and a playground, where you could enter the code snippets in TypeScript, which would be immediately transpiled into JavaScript.

Follow this link https://bit.ly/2IyVNlj, and you’ll see our code snippet in the TypeScript playground, with the squiggly red line under “10%”. If you hover the mouse over the erroneous code, you’ll see a prompt explaining the error as shown below.

This error was caught by the TypeScript static code analyzer as I was typing. Moreover, if you specify the variable types, your IDE would offer the auto-complete feature suggesting you the argument names and types of the getFinalPrice() function.

Isn’t it nice that the errors are caught during the compile time? I think so. The vast majority of the developers with the background in such languages as Java, C++, C# and others take it for granted that the errors are caught during compile time, and they welcome TypeScript.

Having said that, I need to admit that some of the hard-core JavaScript developers say that TypeScript slows them down by requiring to use types, and in JavaScript, they’d be more productive. But the majority of the web developers are not JavaScript ninjas and can appreciate a helping hand offered by TypeScript.

This is all I got so far.

Below is the current version of the Table of Contents.

Unit 1: Getting started with TypeScript
1.1 Why developing in TypeScript
1.2 Installing and using the TypeScript compiler
1.3 Introducing the Visual Studio Code IDE
1.4 Getting familiar with TypeScript syntax
1.4.1 Type annotations and inferred types
1.5. Hands-on: Starting the blockchain project
1.5.1 Introducing the blockchain project
1.5.2 Developing a library that implements a mining algorithm

Unit 2 Classes and interfaces
2.1 Classes
2.1.1 Instance and static methods
2.1.2 Properties and access modifiers public, private, protected
2.1.3 Constructors
2.1.4 Abstract classes
2.2 Interfaces
2.2.1 Declaring custom types with interfaces
2.2.2 Interface as a contract
2.2.3 Declaring types with classes vs interfaces
2.3 Hands-on: Developing a browser-based blockchain node with TypeScript
2.3.1 Working with DOM elements
2.3.2 Making AJAX requests
2.3.3 Implementing the blockchain node for

Unit 3 Generics
3.1 Intro to Generics
3.2 Creating custom generics
3.3 Hands-on: Developing Angular client for the browser-based blockchain node
3.3.1 Brief overview of Angular
3.3.2 Creating a new app with Angular CLI
3.3.3 Generating Angular components and services
3.3.4 Implementing the blockchain node in Angular

Unit 4 Tooling
4.1 Improving code quality with TSLint
4.2 Bundling the TypeScript code with Webpack
4.4 Debugging TypeScript in the browser
4.5 Unit testing TypeScript code
4.7 Hands-on: Developing React client for the browser-based blockchain node
4.7.1 Brief overview of React
4.7.2 Transpiling TypeScript with Babel
4.7.3 Creating a React app for the blockchain node

Unit 5 Advanced types
5.1 Unions, intersections, and the type keyword
5.2 Enums
5.3 Mapped types
5.4 Conditional types
5.5. Hands-on: Developing a server for discovering blockchain nodes in the network

Unit 6 Advanced TypeScript features
6.1 Decorators
6.1.1 Creating custom decorators
6.2 Mixins
6.3 Dynamic imports
6.4 Hands-on: Implementing peer-to-peer blockchain nodes communication
6.4.1 Introducing WebRTC
6.4.2 Implementing nodes communication via WebRTC

Appendix A Modern JavaScript
A.1 The keywords let and const
A.2 Functions
A.2.1 Default and optional function parameters
A.2.2 Fat arrow function expressions
A.3 Classes and inheritance
A.4. Asynchronous programming
A.4.1 From callbacks to promises
A.4.2 async and await
A.5 Destructuring
A.6 The Spread operator
A.6.1 Cloning objects with the Spread operator
A.7 The Rest operator
A.8 Iterating data collections

Appendix B Using TypeScript with JavaScript libraries
B.1 Type declaration files
B.1.1 How to create type declaration files
B.2 Using the JavaScript lodash library in TypeScript code

RxJS Essentials: Part 9: Dealing with breaking changes in RxJS 6

This article is a part of my RxJS series, and the previous post is here.

My plan for this morning was to spend 15 min skimming through my RxJS slides and code samples for the upcoming presentation. I did this presentation multiple times, and my code samples published on CodePen just worked. No more.

RxJS 6 was recently released, and my code samples stopped working. I’m not sure if these particular issues were listed somewhere as breaking changes, but I’d like to share my findings with you. I’ve been using the following CDN to get RxJS 6: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/6.0.0/rxjs.umd.js.

In the past, you could use the Rx object as in Rx.Observable. No more.

rxjs is the new Rx

For example, my code sample that had Rx.Observable.create() is broken in RxJS 6 complaining that Rx is not defined. The broken code is here.

Say you need to get a hold of the Observable object in RxJS 6. I did it using the JavaScript destructuring syntax:

const { Observable } = rxjs;

Now you can just write Observable.create(). This fixed my broken code sample for Observable.create(), and the working version is here.

The next broken code sample was related to operators. I remember reading that dot-chainable operators shouldn’t be used in RxJS 6. Using pipeable operators is the way to go.

For backward compatibility of your app, you need to add the package rxjs-compat to be able to use dot-chainable operators. After replacing all dot-chainable with pipeable operators, uninstall rxjs-compat.

Here’s the broken code sample that uses dot-chainable operators map and filter.

To fix this code, I used the destructuring syntax again to get the pipeable version of the map and filter operators like this:

const { filter, map } = rxjs.operators;

Basically, I replaced this:

    .filter(beer => beer.price < 8) 
    .map(beer => beer.name + ": $" + beer.price) 

with this:

const { from } = rxjs; 
const { filter, map } = rxjs.operators;

    filter(beer => beer.price < 8), 
    map(beer => beer.name + ": $" + beer.price) 

The working version of the code sample that uses pipeable operators map and filter is here.

Disclaimer. These were quick fixes that I came up with. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a different way to accomplished the same results. If you find one, please let me know. Gotta share, right?

And one more thing. Importing observables like this is not cool anymore:

import {Observable} from "rxjs/observable";

You need to do it like this:

import {Observable} from "rxjs";

For detailed coverage of how to migrate RxJS-related code see this doc.

Angular: When using ngrx is an overkill

State management is one of the most important aspects of any app that has UI. redux is a popular library for maintaining state in the React community. ngrx is a redux-inspired library for maintaining state in Angular apps. But if redux is a rather simple library, ngrx is not so much, and its workflow is illustrated in the diagram below.

In this blog, I’m not going to explain how ngrx works in detail. You can learn it by going through one of the online tutorials, attending our online workshop, or reading the last chapter of our Angular book. I’ll just show you a video comparing two small apps that have the same functionality, but one of them implements state management by using RxJS BehaviorSubject in an Angular service, while the other uses ngrx.

The app that doesn’t use ngrx has about 80 lines of code and its production build size is 268KB. The ngrx version of this app has about 160 lines of code and its production build weighs 315KB.

In short, I do not recommend using ngrx for state management of small and mid-size apps.

Typically, you use a library to write less code, but the current version of ngrx requires you to write more code.

RxJS Essentials: Part 8: Pipeable operators

In this article, we’ll discuss pipeable operators introduced in RxJS 5.5. The previous articles in this series include:

1. Basic Terms
2. Operators map, filter, and reduce
3. Using Observable.create()
4. Using RxJS Subject
5. The flatMap operator
6. The switchMap operator
7. Handling errors with the catch operator

Pipeable operators are those that can be chained using the pipe() function, whereas dot-chaining operators are chained with the dot as shown in this blog. Let’s discuss the dot-chaining operators first to understand why the pipeable operators were introduced in RxJS.

If you have RxJS installed, the dot-chaining operators can be imported from the directory rxjs/add/operator, for example:

import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/filter';

These operators patch the code of the Observable.prototype and become a part of this object. If later on, you decide to remove say filter operator from the code that handles the observable stream but will forget to remove the corresponding import statement, the code that implements filter remains a part of the Observable.prototype. When the bundlers will try to eliminate the unused code (a.k.a. tree shaking), they may decide to keep the code of the filter operator in the Observable even though it’s not being used in the app.

RxJS 5.5 introduced pipeable operators that are pure functions and do not patch the Observable. You can import operators using the ES6 import syntax (e.g. import {map} from ‘rxjs/operators’) and then wrap them into a function pipe() that takes a variable number of parameters, i.e. chainable operators.

The subscriber in the next code snippet will receive the same data as the ones from the first code sample in this blog, but it’s a better version from the tree-shaking perspective because it uses pipeable operators. The next code sample includes the import statement assuming that RxJS is locally installed.

import {map, filter} from 'rxjs/operators'; // 1
    .pipe(  // 2
         filter(beer => beer.price < 8) ,
         map(beer => ${beer.name}: $${beer.price})
        beer => console.log(beer),
        err => console.error(err),
        () => console.log("Streaming is over")

1.Importing pipeable operators from rxjs/operators instead of rxjs/add/operator
2. Wrapping pipeable operators into the function pipe()

Now if you’ll remove the line filter from the above code snippet, the tree-shaking module of the bundlers (e.g. Webpack 4) can recognize that the imported function is not used and the code of the filter operator won’t be included in the bundles.

To see it in action in CodePen, follow this link.

NOTE: Since the pipeable operators are standalone functions, to avoid conflicts with the JavaScript catch statement the pipeable version of the catch operator is called catchError.

Debugging observables

The operator do and its pipeable equivalent tap performs a side effect (e.g. log some data) for every value emitted by the source observable, but returns an observable that is identical to the source. In particular, these operators can be used for debugging purposes.

Say, you have a chain of operators and want to see the observable values before and after a certain operator is applied. The tap operator will allow you to log the values:

import { map, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';

    tap(beer => console.log(`Before: ${beer}`)),
    map(beer => `${beer.name}, ${beer.country}`),
    tap(beer => console.log(`After: ${beer}`))

In this example, we print the emitted value before and after the map operator is applied. The tap operator doesn’t change the observable data – it just passes it through to the next operator or the method subscribe().

Refactor your code to use exclusively pipeable operators, because starting from RxJS 6, the dot-chaining operators will be supported only if you install a compatibility package.